First things first: a much-needed dose of hilarity (because, why not!). Meme incoming!

(via @chronicallycrying on IG)

But, all memes aside (ugh!), sleeplessness and other-sleep related issues are plaguing the world. Data attests to it. Between March 2022 and May 2022, insomnia has been one of the most consistently searched sleep-related terms on Google.

We are sleeping less, and less well than we used to. On the face of it, sleeplessness may not even look like a big deal. That is the biggest worry - that sleep disorders have become so "regular" that they do not even look like something that needs to be addressed!

What's causing sleep disorders?

Reasons for sleep loss are myriad. You do not need to Google the causes. They are all around you. In fact, it is very likely you are also struggling with them.

Consider yourself: constant (and high) stress levels, mental health issues like anxiety and depression pervasive across age groups, increased screen time and invasion of bedtime by devices, blurred lines ill-defining work and personal time, and night or late work shifts.

When so much is coming in the way of you and your necessary time-off, is it not obvious that you are bound to have a hard time to even relaxing for a bit?

So, where do we even start to recalibrate how we have come to sleep By being diligent about leaving the day out of one’s bedroom!

Is there any way to fix it?

You can - and should - prioritise quality sleep over time.

Here we have six simple steps to help you on the journey of correcting your sleep and relaxing better!

  • Work-life balance isn't just a fad.

(Artwork via Happy Earth People)

We are working a lot. No, really, we are! Our average work time has increased dramatically, majorly disrupted by the COVID-19 pandemic.

However, amid the forever trending hashtags #Hustling and #NeverSettle, recognising that work is a part of life and not life is game-changing. Social media & pop culture can feed us with the idea that our worth resides in productivity, but life goes way beyond that.

  1. Practise taking time off for yourself and your loved ones.
  2.  Destress by doing what you love.
  3. Take care of your mental & emotional well-being.
  4. Post work hours, mute all work notifications and even gadgets!

Work-life balance is for everyone!

  • Focus on your environment.

(Artwork via Freepik)

You cannot ignore the role your surroundings play in getting a good night's sleep!

Run a simple check on these three things:

    1. Keep the room dark & cool.
    2. Keep no (or muted) gadgets in your vicinity.
    3. A noise-free room.

  • Pre-plan the next day.

(Artwork via Pinterest)

We are better prepared when we know what we have to look forward to.

This allows us to look at the following day with a faraway vision.

Jotting down what we need to do or accomplish the next day can help us have a clear head and strip us of any anxieties or needless rushes.

It does not even have to be a work to-do; these pointers could be as simple as calling up a friend!

  • Build & maintain a self-care routine.

(Artwork via Pinterest)

Self-care is a very intimate act. Taking care of oneself can be very relaxing and soothing.

In fact, this routine can be different and unique for everyone. Experiment and figure out what works for you: it could be a hot shower, a skincare regime, or even putting on your nighttime aesthetics like eye masks or burning incenses.

After a long, tiresome day, it is vital and healthy to give yourself a much-needed break to pamper yourself! Once you establish a unique, calming routine (kudos to you!), look forward to this every day because it's yours, and you deserve it!

  • Play soothing soundscapes or bedtime stories to fall asleep to.

(Artwork via Pavlo Syvak)

With increased stress and anxiety disorders faced by people of all age groups, the market for innovative relaxation techniques is also expanding.

Bedtime stories, soundscapes, ASMR, meditative music, and Yoga Nidra are just some of the examples of this ever-growing segment.

Neend's App features a plethora of such stories and stories to put you to sleep every night! Stream in Hindi, English, Marathi, Telugu, and Tamil languages.

  • Take melatonin-rich supplements.

(Artwork via Tatyana Antusenok)

Melatonin is a hormone which regulates sleep cycles in our bodies. It gets produced in response to the environmental darkness. 

Melatonin supplements can promote sleep and relaxation in people dealing with sleep-related issues without any side effects.

Neend's Sleep Gummies are rich in various natural ingredients like chamomile and melatonin, which can nod you off to sleep in less than 15 minutes! Try them out today at: Neend Sleep Gummies Store!

Be consistent with the above six steps, and you will gift yourself a calmer, more relaxed headspace!

P.S. We love some good company. Spark sleepy conversations with us on Twitter, Instagram, & LinkedIn! See you there! :D