Image source: The Honeybee Health Buzz

Artwork via The Honeybee Health Buzz

You would spend roughly one-third of your life asleep if you slept for the advised amount each night, which is seven to nine hours. It is important to remember that your body goes through a lot when you're sleeping. 

The four stages of sleep—awake, light, deep,(Non-REM) and REM sleep—have historically been used to categorise sleep. Each one is crucial to preserving your physical and emotional wellness. The different stages of sleep you experience when you are sleeping vary from REM to non-REM. Rapid eye movement is referred to as REM. Your eyes move quickly in a variety of directions while you are in REM sleep, but your brain is not receiving any visual information from your eyes. Non-REM sleep does not involve that. The cycle begins with non-REM sleep, is followed by a brief period of REM sleep, and then it repeats. Most often, dreams occur during REM sleep.

What Happens During Non-REM Sleep?

Non-REM sleep is divided into three stages. Each step may go on for five to fifteen minutes. Before entering REM sleep, you pass through all three stages.

Stage 1

First stage is the transition from being awake to being asleep. There is a brief, light NREM sleep during this period. As you enter stage two, you can begin to unwind and dream, but you might also twitch.

Stage 2

While you are still in a light slumber during stage 2 of the sleep cycle, you are slipping into a more stable sleep. Your muscles relax as your heart rate, respiration, and pulse calm down. Your body starts to cool off and your brain waves start to slow down.

Stage 3

It is more challenging to wake someone up when they are in stage 3 sleep, commonly known as profound slumber. As the body relaxes even more during N3 sleep, muscle tone, pulse, and breathing rate all drop. There is a discernible pattern of delta waves in the brain activity throughout this time.

The body develops bone and muscle, heals and regrows tissues, and fortifies the immune system when in the deep stages of NREM sleep. As you age, your sleep becomes lighter and less restorative. Although research indicates you still require as much sleep as when you were younger, ageing is also associated with shorter sleep durations.

What Happens During REM Sleep?

Stage 4

Phasic and tonic are the two REM sleep stages. Bursts of rapid eye movement are present only in phasic REM sleep and not in tonic REM sleep. REM sleep typically begins 90 minutes after you go to sleep. Usually, the initial REM stage lasts for ten minutes. Your later REM stages develop longer and longer, with the final one sometimes lasting up to an hour. Your breathing and heart rate pick up.

Throughout this phase:

- Rapid eye movements characterise phasic REM.

- Breathing and heart rate speed up and fluctuate more

- Muscle paralysis occurs, but twitches may still be seen

- Brain activity is significantly elevated

Each stage of sleep has a specific purpose and plays a specific part in sustaining your brain's general cognitive function. Some stages are also linked to the physical upkeep and preparation for the following day.

The full sleep cycle occurs multiple times per night, with each succeeding REM state lasting longer and involving deeper levels of sleep.

How long should you spend in deep sleep?

Artwork via Sleep Cycle

Most of us consider deep sleep when it comes to getting the rest we require. Simply said, it sounds like sleep's most advantageous aspect. According to experts, it aids in recuperation, memory retention, immune system building, and helps us feel rested the following day, which it is. We contend that fretting about getting adequate restorative sleep each night is pointless.

That's in part because each stage of sleep that we cycle through during the night helps us feel and function at our best the following day. We also can't control how long we stay in the deep sleep period, which is another factor. But the amount of time we spend sleeping overall is something we can manage. And when you get enough sleep overall, your brain will get enough deep sleep on its own if nothing else gets in the way.

Instead than concentrating on deep sleep, consider your overall sleep quality.

The conclusion:

Each night, your body cycles through the five stages of sleep: three non-REM stages and one REM period. Each stage of sleep has a specific purpose and plays a specific part in sustaining your brain's general cognitive function. Some stages are also linked to the physical upkeep and preparation for the following day. Our respiration, heart rate, muscles, and brain waves are all impacted differently during various sleep cycles.

For health-promoting processes including digestion, development, and memory, adequate sleep is crucial. Poor sleep quality and daytime functioning can result from some sleep disorders, such as insomnia.

Addressing any underlying issues and focusing on your sleep hygiene are the greatest ways to raise the quality of your sleep. Neend understands you and cares for you that’s why we are here to help you get the perfect sleep. Buy Neend Sleep Gummies and gift yourself a peaceful sleep.

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Happy Sleeping!